Product Details
Tonino Lamborghini proposes design objects and professional clothing with a brand-coherent style to his partners in the Caffè project, to make the experience in the branded locales yet more unique.
The cups which carry the Tonino Lamborghini logo have a special design which has been rigorously studied, and which preserves the heat of the drink and exalts its aroma, as well as having an ergonomic handle and a solid saucer so as to be attractive yet functional. Different versions have been created for coffee, cappucino, double espresso, caffè latte and in the Jumbo format. Furthermore a branded milk jug is also available.
Exclusive accessories such as the napkin holders for table and bartop, trays, sugar sachets, chocolates, menus, panels, displays, signs, carrier bags – all branded with the Tonino Lamborghini logo – are characterized by a special graphic line which is coherent with the stylistic values of the brand, thought up and planned by the designers of the Tonino Lamborghini Design Studio.
The Tonino Lamborghini style is also reflected in the coordinated clothing for the personnel: t-shirts and aprons for men and women are logo-branded, and have an elegant and modern cut.

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